Assessing Iowa's potential for wind energy generation

Peter Menzies


The state of Iowa is both sparsely populated and has a landscape and wind speeds conducive to wind energy capture. The following analysis assesses the full potential that Iowa has to produce clean energy from wind turbines. This will give imortant insight to inform future wind energy development.


The specifications of the Vestas V136-3.45 MW wind turbines will be used for the analysis. In order to identify viable space for wind turbines, we query a PostGIS database containing Iowa feature data extracted from OpenStreetMap. Suitable area is determined twice based on two different scenarios invoving spacing around residences. The first scenario (referred to here on as "scenario 1") requires that turbines be three times their hub height away from residential buildings, and the second scenario ("scenario 2") requires ten times the hub height. We query all areas unsuitable for turbines, compiling their geometries into a geodataframe, and subtract them from a grid representing Iowa that contains windspeed data. We then determine the possible number of wind turbines that could be placed in each cell of the grid, and use those values in conjunction with windspeeds to determine the amount of energy each cell could generate annually. Energy outputs are summed and we arrive at two figures representing total annual energy output for the two differnt scenarios.

Connecting to database

We first establish our connection to the PostGIS database using the sqalchemy and psycopg2 libraries.


Next, we define each of our subqueries for the tables of interest in the database with the goal of compiling all areas that are not suitable for wind turbines. We use ST_BUFFER to incorporate the areas around certain features based on legal spatial constraints of turbine placement. Many these constraints are functions of the dimensions of the particular wind turbine model—those variables are defined for the model used in this analysis. We use two different residential queries that use different buffer sizes based on the two scenarios previously mentioned.

Hub height and rotor diameter of the Vestas V136-3.45 MW are stored as variables

Here we create our two residential subqueries that attempt to encompass all residential buildings defined in the database.

Nonresidential buildings require 3 * hub_height regardless of scenario.

Below we create subqueries for airports, military areas, railroads, highways, nature reserves, parks, wetlands, water bodies, powerlines, powerplants, and exisitng wind turbines—along with their corresponding buffers.

Aggregated queries

Here we create two aggregate queries by unioning our subqueries—one for scenario 1, and one for scenario 2.

Next we query the database for both scenarios.

Wind speeds grid

Here we query all columns from a table containing Iowa grid cells and average windspeeds for the regions they represent.

Next we subtract the unsuitable areas from the grid for both scenarios

Taking a look at our suitable areas in scenario 1, with cells colored by wind speed:

Wind turbines need to be placed 5 rotor diameters apart. Below we calculate the necessary buffer area around each turbine—the buffer will have a radius of 2.5 rotor_diameter so that adjoining buffers create a 5 rotor_diameter distance between turbines. We then divide the suitable area of each cell by the buffer area to determine how many turbines can exist in them.

Next we use the equation $E = 2.6 s m-1 v + -5 GWh$ to calcuate energy production per cell.

$E$ = energy production per turbine in GWh

$v$ = average annual wind speed in $m/s^-1$

And then multiply the energy production per turbine by the number of possible turbines.

The energy production of all cells is summed and the final results we arrived at are printed below:

To give some frame of reference for the results—

According to and the EIA, Iowa's annual energy use is 45.7 TWh, and the total for the US is 27,238.9 TWh

Thus, based on the more conservative scenario in this analysis, using all viable space in Iowa for wind turbines would generate roughly 85.8 times the annual energy expenditure of the state, and about 14.4% of the annual energy expenditure of the entire country.

These figures convey the incredible potential for wind energy capture in Iowa and other similar regions.